More than just JCache
07 Sep 2014 java cache hazelcast jcache jsr107 asyncJSR107, Java Temporary Caching API, also known as JCache is finally out after an effort of 13 years. It’s like the only everlasting JSR of the JCP history. But long story short, it’s completed now and companies in NoSQL/in-memory-data-grid/big-data world are competing each other to release their own implementations first.
As JCache being only a spec, it has a very basic API. But on the other hand it provides a standard way to access the proprietary features that an implementor can add to extend standard API.
Cache cache = ...;
SomeProprietaryCacheImpl cacheImpl = cache.unwrap(SomeProprietaryCacheImpl.class);
There’s more than just JCache
Hazelcast, leading open source in memory data grid, will include JCache support by upcoming version 3.3.1. Apart from standard JCache api, Hazelcast will provide a feature rich extension api, including async versions of each method in spec.
Introducing com.hazelcast.cache.ICache !
(Don’t get this wrong, not like an Apple product, it’s just like IMap
, IQueue
* Hazelcast cache extension interface
public interface ICache<K, V> extends javax.cache.Cache<K, V> {
* Asynchronously get an entry from cache
Future<V> getAsync(K key);
* Asynchronously get an entry from cache
* with a provided expiry policy
Future<V> getAsync(K key, ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy);
* Asynchronously associates the specified value
* with the specified key in the cache.
Future<Void> putAsync(K key, V value);
* Asynchronously associates the specified value
* with the specified key in the cache
* using a custom expiry policy
Future<Void> putAsync(K key, V value, ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy);
* Asynchronously associates the specified value
* with the specified key in the cache if not already exist
* using a custom expiry policy
Future<Boolean> putIfAbsentAsync(K key, V value,
ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy);
* Asynchronously associates the specified value
* with the specified key in this cache,
* returning an existing value if one existed.
Future<V> getAndPutAsync(K key, V value);
* Asynchronously associates the specified value
* with the specified key in this cache,
* returning an existing value if one existed
* using a custom expiry policy
Future<V> getAndPutAsync(K key, V value,
ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy);
* Asynchronously removes the mapping for a key
* from this cache if it is present.
Future<Boolean> removeAsync(K key);
* Asynchronously removes the mapping for a key
* only if currently mapped to the given value.
Future<Boolean> removeAsync(K key, V oldValue);
* Asynchronously removes the entry for a key
* returning the removed value if one existed.
Future<V> getAndRemoveAsync(K key);
* Asynchronously replaces the entry for a key
* only if currently mapped to a given value.
Future<Boolean> replaceAsync(K key, V oldValue, V newValue);
* Asynchronously replaces the entry for a key
* only if currently mapped to a
* given value using custom expiry policy
Future<Boolean> replaceAsync(K key, V oldValue, V newValue,
ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy);
* Asynchronously replaces the entry for a key
* only if currently mapped to some
Future<V> getAndReplaceAsync(K key, V value);
* Asynchronously replaces the entry for a key
* only if currently mapped to some
* using custom expiry policy
Future<V> getAndReplaceAsync(K key, V value,
ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy);
* Get with custom expiry policy
V get(K key, ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy);
* getAll with custom expiry policy
Map<K, V> getAll(Set<? extends K> keys,
ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy);
* put with custom expiry policy
void put(K key, V value, ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy);
* getAndPut with custom expiry policy
V getAndPut(K key, V value, ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy);
* putAll with custom expiry policy
void putAll(java.util.Map<? extends K, ? extends V> map,
ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy);
* putIfAbsent with custom expiry policy
boolean putIfAbsent(K key, V value, ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy);
* replace with custom expiry policy
boolean replace(K key, V oldValue, V newValue,
ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy);
* replace with custom expiry policy
boolean replace(K key, V value, ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy);
* getAndReplace with custom expiry policy
V getAndReplace(K key, V value, ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy);
* total cache size
int size();
Go distributed, go async!